Why Become a Member?
Access to All Gardeners Connect Events including Plantaholic Frolic trips, our renown Speaker Series with local, regional and nationally known speakers.
The Gardeners Connect newsletter mailed to your home six times a year with the latest in garden related events, articles on gardening and garden tips for the Midwest Gardener and more.
Exclusive access for private open gardens and workshops.
The camaraderie of other gardeners just like you.
Join or Renew Online or by Mail
Join or renew online quickly and easily and save a stamp.
Choose your membership option from Membership Options below.
Print and mail the Gardeners Connect membership form with a check made out to Gardeners Connect and mail to:
Gardeners Connect
PO Box 8454
Kansas City, Missouri 64114
Membership Options
Membership for one individual including a membership card and 1 year or 5 year subscription options to the Gardeners Connect newsletter mailed to your address. Access to all membership only events, trips and other member only benefits for term selected.
Membership for two individuals including a two membership cards and 1 year or 5 year subscription options to the Gardeners Connect newsletter mailed to your address. Access to all membership only events, trips and other member only benefits for term selected.
Membership for any for profit enterprise providing goods or services appealing to gardeners and foster a spirit of gardening and inclusivity. 1-year option. Includes up to five newsletters. Listing as a business member in newsletter and on website.
Affiliate Group
Membership for non-profit and social organizations that foster a spirit of gardening and inclusivity. 1-year option. Includes newsletter, listing as Affiliate Group in newsletter and website. Ability to send calendar and event listings for publication in Gardeners Connect newsletter, website and email notices.
Gift Membership
Give the gift of 1-year of gardening excellence to the gardener who is just starting out or has everything. Includes a membership card and 1 year subscription to the Gardeners Connect newsletter mailed to your address. Access to all membership only events, trips and other member only benefits for term selected.