Saturday, March 22, 2025
9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(Doors Open 8:00 a.m.)
Three Speakers. Four Presentations. Lunch. Snacks. Gift Bag.
A Day of Gardening Delight with Your Friends, You Won’t Want to Miss.
2025 Kansas City Garden Symposium
Saturday, March 22, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Doors Open at 8:00 a.m.
Tickets: $99
Rockhurst University Campus
Science Center 115
54th and Troost Entrance
Kansas City, Missouri 64110
See Building #25 on map.
St Ignatius Science Center is a short walk from the parking lot, North to the second building on left. It is possible to reach the lecture hall with no stairs.
Three Speakers. Four Presentations. Lunch. Snacks. Gift Bag.
A day of gardening delight with your friends, you won’t want to miss.
Presentations include:
Creating a Great Escape in Your Own Backyard
Garden Rock Stars and the Rest of the Band
Gardening for Comfort, Ease and Simplicity
Register online above or send check made out to Gardeners Connect to:
Gardeners Connect
PO 8454
Kansas City, Missouri 64114
Please include email address with check if available for quickest notification of registration.
Jan Bills
Gardening for Comfort, Ease and Simplicity
Jan plans to talk about how to create a garden area for yourself and to share with friends and family, and how to garden smarter so you can enjoy the product of your efforts. Jan traded a corporate career some 20 years ago to create Detroit-area landscape design company Two Women and a Hoe. The other woman suggested in the name of her company is her mother, herself an entrepreneur, as a memorial tribute.
“Our gardens don’t look like other gardens,” Jan says about the gardens she creates for clients. “They are low-maintenance and beautiful. After all, they should be our love, not our labor of love.”
Erin Schanen
Garden Rock Stars and the Rest of the Band
Many of us know Erin Schanen from you YouTube as “The Impatient Gardener.” She will present a program titled "Garden Rock Stars and the Rest of the Band."
Erin has been gardening for more than two decades in her southeastern Wisconsin (zone 6a). She created The Impatient Gardener blog in 2009. Read her blog posts and watch videos at her website, She has received multiple awards from GardenComm, an international group for garden communicators, including gold medals for her weekly newspaper column and Instagram. Her garden was featured in the best-selling garden design book “American Roots” in 2022.
Natalie Carmolli
Creating a Great Escape
in Your Own Backyard
An expert on garden design and shrubs. Natalie Carmolli is a public relations specialist for Spring Meadow Nursery/Proven Winners ColorChoice shrubs. She is creating a new program for us titled “Creating a Great Escape in Your Own Backyard.” Creating a private oasis has become a sought-after remedy to the chaos of the outside world. But the key to being truly worry-free is designing a garden that works for you, instead of the other way around!
You’ll leave with ideas and inspiration to build your own backyard oasis, create peaceful pockets in your existing garden, or even transform areas into inviting spaces for gatherings and relaxation.
Natalie grew up in the floral industry, has a bachelor’s degree in the theatrical arts, and has earned a Certificate of Mastery in tree and shrub identification from Longwood Gardens.
Garden Symposium Schedule 2025
Gardening for You, Family & Friends
Saturday, March 22, 2025
8:00-8:55 Check-In, Shop and Mingle with coffee, muffins and danish
8:55-9:00 Welcome
9:00-10:00 Speaker: Erin Schanen: Garden Rock Stars and the Rest of the Band
10:00-11:00 Speaker: Natalie Carmolli: Creating a Great Escape in Your Own Backyard
11:00-12:15 Lunch in Cafeteria
12:15-1:15 Speaker: Jan Bills: Gardening for Comfort, Ease and Simplicity, Part 1
1:15-1:30 Break with coffee, cookies and bars
1:30-2:30 Speaker: Jan Bills: Gardening for Comfort, Ease and Simplicity, Part 2
2:30-2:35 Closing Remarks
Become a Sponsor
2025 Kansas City Garden Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities
Register online to left or send check made out to Gardeners Connect to:
Gardeners Connect
PO 8454
Kansas City, Missouri 64114
Please include email address with check if available for quickest notification of registration.
As a 2025 Kansas City Garden Symposium sponsor, you will not only reach our 300+ local, dedicated and loyal gardeners who will attend the day of the event but also more just like them:
1,800+ email subscribers.
2,300+ Facebook followers.
500+ Gardeners Connect members.
We have multiple sponsorship levels available to reach the audience you desire and provide the impact of supporting your community through your sponsorship of the 2025 Kansas City Garden Symposium.
Our signature sponsorship opportunity is as our bag sponsor. Your name and logo will appear on the front of our reusable bag that every attendee will receive and use for years to come.
Opportunity to provide your custom inserts into the attendee bag.
Sponsor recognition on website, in Gardeners Connect newsletter, in emails and on Gardeners Connect social media postings.
Additional opportunities at the full, half and quarter page levels.
See the full list of sponsors above starting January 1.
Rockhurst University
Science Center 115
54th and Troost Avenue Entrance to Rockhurst University
Building #25 on map located to the right. Building is a short walk from the parking lot, North to the second building on left. St Ignatius Science Center. It is possible to reach the lecture hall with no stairs.
A 165 seat auditorium with table space for every attendee to take notes with a great view of the presentations for the day.
Onsite free parking.
Master Gardeners & Master Naturalist Continuing Education
Many Master Gardener and Master Naturalist organizations throughout the region offer continuing education hours for attending the Kansas City Garden Symposium.
Please consult your local organization for details and specifics to their continuing education requirements.
The following organizations have offered continuing education credits for prior Kansas City Garden Symposiums.
Want your organization to be listed here? Contact Brian Chadwick-Robinson, executive director of Gardeners Connect at for details of offering continuing education hours for your organization.