Check Out Our Group Affiliate Organizations
Gardeners Connect Group Affiliates
American Conifer Society - Central Region
The American Conifer Society Central Region, one of four regions of the American Conifer Society, helps educate the public about conifers, which are cone-bearing plants. The society publishes the Conifer Quartlery in both digital and hard copy versions and maintains a public website which hosts an extensive conifer database as well as copious articles about identifying, growing and designing with conifers. In addition, the society holds annual events, including regional and small, informal gatherings and a national meeting, which is rotated among the four regions.
The society also partners with public gardens to recognize and support notable conifer collections, and is the official national registrar for new conifer cultivars.
The Central Region has two Reference Gardens near Kansas City; Powell Gardens, Kingsville, Missouri and Ward-Meade Botanical Garden, Topeka, Kansas.
Bonsai Society of Greater Kansas City
“to promote interest in and appreciation of the art of Bonsai through education, training, information and exhibition”
We proudly continue their mission and legacy.
Our members come from many backgrounds and occupations. Some are also active in the American Bonsai Society and Bonsai Clubs International, and other Bonsai organizations throughout the country.
We are excited to continue the Bonsai Legacy in KC.
Greater Kansas City Dahlia Society
A garden club devoted to the growing and appreciation of dahlias.
Greater Kansas City Gardeners of America
Greater Kansas City Iris Society
The Greater Kansas City Iris Society was formed on February 4, 1948 to promote interest in the culture, propagation and hybridization of the numerous forms and varieties of our favorite flower, the Iris.
GKCIS has members all across the metropolitan Kansas City area in Kansas, Missouri and into suburban communities in all directions. Meetings are usually held the 2nd Monday evenings of each month from March to November at the Trailside Center, 9901 Holmes, Kansas City, MO. We also hold special events such as flower shows, tours and judges training sessions.
GKCIS is a non-profit affiliate of the American Iris Society in Region 18.
Greater Kansas City Herb Study Group
A group studying herbs serving the Kansas City metropolitan area.
Heart of America Gesneriad Society
The Heart of America Chapter of The Gesneriad Society is devoted to the growing and enjoyment of gesneriads.
Gesneriaceae comprises an extremely diverse family of plants. Among gesneriads you will find delicate to large, species that creep along the ground, flowers pollinated by bats, and every color of bloom you could wish for. Commonly known family members include gloxinia, African violets, and lipstick plants. Join us to grow, share, and appreciate these plants!
Heartland Hosta & Shade Plant Society
Heartland Hosta Shade Plant Society is dedicated to promoting a greater interest in and educating members (and the public) about the care and cultivation of hostas and shade plants. Our members come from all across the Metropolitan Kansas City area.
We host a Spring and Fall meeting with knowledgeable speakers which provides a time place for socializing and sharing with fellow hosta-holics. Other exciting activities include our annual plant sale in early May and the 'members-only' garden party occurs each June. This garden party is held at one of our member's lovely gardens and is a definite incentive for membership in the HHSPS.
At the plant sale, HHSPS features new and exciting varieties of hosta for sale as well as older favorites. We also offer companion plants suitable for shade gardens.
Heartland Peony Society
The goal of the Heartland Peony Society is to foster and promote an interest in peonies, to promote their introduction into cultivation, and to encourage development of new and improved varieties.
The John Wornall House Museum
A non-profit that operates two of Kansas City’s most historic structures: the John Wornall House and the Alexander Majors House. These historic homes serve as the dynamic backdrop for events and community gatherings. We strive to tell an inclusive and accessible story about American mid-nineteenth century history.
Johnson County Extension Master Gardeners
Johnson County K-State Research and Extension Master Gardeners volunteer to preserve and beautify the environment and improve the quality of life in the community by providing current research-based horticultural information to the public. EMGs promote horticultural practices, sustainability, and environmental initiatives supported by K-State Research and Extension. The organization embodies the horticultural education objectives of the Johnson County Extension Council cooperating with Kansas State University and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Kansas City Rose Society
To encourage an interest in roses, serve as stewards of the Laura Conyers Smith Municipal Rose Garden in Jacob L. Loose Memorial Park, Kansas City, Missouri, promote the Rose Garden as a regional attraction and demonstration garden and provide information about roses and their care.
Kansas City Ikebana
We are a group who study, teach and create displays of Ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arranging in Kansas City.
Kansas City Cactus & Succulent Society
Started over 40 years ago, the KCCSS is a wealth of knowledge for its members and to the community through events and programs the group provides. The group hosts a spectacular judged show and a one-of-a-kind sale that offers incredible and unusual plants available. Visitors are welcomed join us at any meeting for hands-on workshops, beautiful slide presentations and always a great place to find out how others grow these plants in our less than perfect climate. Check out our event's schedule and please join us. Visitors are always welcomed!
Kansas City Community Gardens
Kansas City Community Gardens(KCCG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of low-income households and other members of the community by helping them grow their own nutritious fruits and vegetables. KCCG member gardeners develop self-reliance, knowledge about nutrition, and an appreciation for the environment, while enjoying exercise, social interaction and the satisfaction of growing their own food.
Kansas City Garden Club
A garden club serving the Kansas City metropolitan area.
Lakewood Garden Club
Lakewood Garden Club is about our village coming together and creating beautiful gardens throughout the village and our homes.
Leawood Garden Club
A garden club serving the city of Leawood, Kansas.
Lee's Summit Garden Club
A garden club serving Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City
Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City is an affiliate program of the University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Program serving Jackson, Platte and Clay counties in Missouri.
Mid-America Begonia Society
The Mid America Begonia Society is devoted to the growing and enjoyment of begoinas.
Missouri Prairie Foundation
The Missouri Prairie Foundation has been conserving Missouri’s prairies and other native grasslands—some of the most imperiled habitats on the planet.
Mo-Kan Daylily Society
A garden club devoted to the growing and appreciation of the daylily.
Monarch Watch
Organization dedicated to education, conservation and research related to the Monarch butterfly.
Northwest Missouri Master Gardeners
The Northwest Missouri Master Gardeners are known locally for their annual plant sale, their yearly donation of nearly a ton of produce to local food banks, and their annual Tomato Fest! highlighting the more than 100 varieties of tomatoes grown on site. That is just the beginning of what this group is doing in and around St. Joseph.
Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City
The Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City was founded in 1949 for the purpose of bringing together those persons in the heart of America who were interested in the care and culture of orchids so their experience and knowledge could be shared to the benefit of all.
Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens
The 300-acre Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens is an educational, recreational and cultural resource for the Kansas City region.
At the Arboretum, you’ll experience gardens with more than 1,700 species of plants, a variety of landscapes, including meticulous gardens, wild hiking trails, and open prairie, and different educational opportunities around every bend in the path.
Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens is a public garden, maintaining 970 acres of lush, rolling hills and windswept meadows, with more than 175 acres and a large collection of plants open to the public for education, exploration, and recreation.
Sho-Me African Violet Club
A garden club dedicated to the enjoyment of African violets.
Union Hill Garden Tour
An annual self-guided tour in late May/early June through the wonderful outdoor spaces of the historic Kansas City neighborhood of Union Hill.